Tuesday, June 7, 2011

4 months old!

Happy four months old Carter boy! You are getting pretty good at smiling at the camera for Mommy now and I love your little cheese. Here is what life is like for you at 4 months:
-wearing 3-6 month clothes
-moving into size 3 diapers
-weigh 16.11 lbs
-no more breastmilk, its all formula for you
-watch your brother's every move
-are on a schedule eating every 3 hours
-napping well when we are at home (1 1/2 hrs each time) but if we arent you only cat nap
-still love to be swaddled
-teething machine wanting to chew on anything you can get in your mouth
-trying to sit up
-laughing and cooing up a storm
-went backwards with your night sleeping this past month and now have to eat at least twice again
-dont like your carseat
-love love love to be held :)
There is that crazy tongue again ha!
Hey Sojo... I'm bigger than you now :)

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