You my big boy are two and a half today! I love this picture I captured while you were running on the beach… its just a glimpse of your energy these days! You have grown up so much in the last 6 months and if you are asked, “Carter, when did you get so big?” you will say, “Tuesday!” You are still Mr. Full of Emotion and are either giggling like crazy at your brother, pouting because you havent gotten your way, or about 90% of the time just screaming! We are trying to show you that you have to use your words to get out your anger or tell us what you want but most of the time your emotion takes over and you just scream!
You are very much obsessed with all things superheroes, and specifically Batman. Luckily you’ve started sleeping later but for the longest time we could expect you at our bed at 6am with your Batman mask on, your Batman sword in hand and your captain America shield in the other. Something funny you say when you see bad guys on the movies is, “Mommy, joker is looking into my eyes!” You think that if they cant see your eyes then they cant see you and so you often hide your eyes from the TV 
Bubby is still your very favorite. A good majority of the time yall are best buds and you are his little shadow. Of course yall fight over toys and who the heck gets the blue cup, but overall its all love. He is the first person you ask for when you wake up and if you don’t know where he is sometime during the day you ask about him then too. You are so proud to get to sit in the back seat with him now too and Mommy is thrilled that you can buckle your own carseat!
If you are ever asked what your favorite anything is you always say, “The blue ninja turtle is my favorite!” No matter if we ask you your favorite color or favorite food ha! Speaking of food you do eat about anything. Your favs right now are “Fruit poops” (aka Fruit Loops), peanut butter sandwich, hotdogs, any fruits and of course your beloved milk that you still have to have every time you go to bed.

We love you stinker boy!!