Monday, February 11, 2013

Mommy’s stinker boy


This is my favorite picture of you and I thus far in all of your 2 years of life. That stinker smile says it all to me, you silly boy. And yes I still call you my stinker boy! I’d be telling a story if I said you were an easy kid or that all of our time is spent with both of us smiling like this. In all honesty you have tested me more than I have ever been tested in every area of my life; specifically in patience. But for every scream you give me, there is always a hug soon after. Every frustrating moment where I could just scream myself is followed by a moment where you make me laugh so hard I cry. TO hear you say, “Mommy, hold me,” is all it takes to melt away my high emotions. I always joke with your Daddy that since you have been so hard your first 2 years of life, surely to goodness you will take good care of me when I’m old and gray in return haha!

I love you my little stinker boy and in more ways than I can count, I am truly blessed to be your Mommy!

Friday, February 8, 2013

2nd birthday party


I had a ball creating this fun birthday party for you! 2 is sweet for sure and you my son have a sweet tooth, therefore we did “Carter’s sweet shop.” I added a few of your other favs like popcorn and goldfish along with all sorts of candy.




Loved showing off your adorable 2 year pictures to everyone too!





party 2


Why does Mommy always have such a silly face when you blow out the candles? Smile


party 3

We enjoyed having both family and friends join us to celebrate!




Daddy sat up your bounce house too!




It sure was fun celebrating you today son! We love you so so so much!!!

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Happy birthday Carter James!

carter is two

Today you are 2! Life for you these days consists of:

  • -wearing size 4 diapers but you often ask to potty so hopefully they will be gone SOON!
  • size 6 shoes… and you are obsessed with always having shoes on
  • 24 month clothes (pants a little big and shirts a little too small with your Buda belly
  • LOVE your Bubby. The first thing you do when you wake up is ask where he is and you follow him around all day
  • very in to superheros, specifically Batman and Hulk
  • favorite foods are: poptarts, cherrios, macaroni, spaghetti, green beans
  • Milk boy! You can drink it all day long if I let you
  • Napping from 2-4 (if I’m lucky)
  • go to bed at 8pm and still wake up several times at night
  • You also take awhile to wake up. Most of the time you're in a bad mood when you first get up and need alone time
  • you are a screamer! If you don’t get your way… its not good!
  • You are great at sharing. As long as your brother doesn’t take things away from you and instead asks for you to share, you always do
  • You think you are a big boy. Anytime you are with your brother and his friends, you also would rather play with the big boys
  • You still love your Mommy but have become a Daddy’s boy too
  • You are a sweater
  • you love popsicles and candy and think you have to have one after every meal
  • you can count to 20 and sing your ABC’s… you miss 15 and 16 almost every time though
  • You are our little stinker boy and we love you dearly!!!

Happy birthday Carter James!

carter is two

Today you are 2! Life for you these days consists of:

  • weigh 28 lbs and are 2 ft 8.5 inches tall
  • wearing size 4 diapers but you often ask to potty so hopefully they will be gone SOON!
  • size 6 shoes… and you are obsessed with always having shoes on
  • 24 month clothes (pants a little big and shirts a little too small with your Buda belly
  • LOVE your Bubby. The first thing you do when you wake up is ask where he is and you follow him around all day
  • very in to superheros, specifically Batman and Hulk
  • favorite foods are: poptarts, cherrios, macaroni, spaghetti, green beans
  • Milk boy! You can drink it all day long if I let you
  • Napping from 2-4 (if I’m lucky)
  • go to bed at 8pm and still wake up several times at night
  • You also take awhile to wake up. Most of the time you're in a bad mood when you first get up and need alone time
  • you are a screamer! If you don’t get your way… its not good!
  • You are great at sharing. As long as your brother doesn’t take things away from you and instead asks for you to share, you always do
  • You think you are a big boy. Anytime you are with your brother and his friends, you also would rather play with the big boys
  • You still love your Mommy but have become a Daddy’s boy too
  • You are a sweater
  • you love popsicles and candy and think you have to have one after every meal
  • you can count to 20 and sing your ABC’s… you miss 15 and 16 almost every time though
  • You are our little stinker boy and we love you dearly!!!